The Mathnuscripts

Welcome to the Mathnuscripts, the tip of the iceberg of the Digital Mind project.

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This is a long-term project to collect the ideas, thoughts and knowledge that I have and nurture them into a comprehensive, navigable and understandable body of knowledge that can be browsed, analysed and presented to others and myself.

The goal is to have this knowledge base as the beginning of something bigger than myself. Something that I will leave behind and benefit other people.

The Mathnuscripts are divided into Index of Essays, Index of Notes and so on.

Getting Started

Here are some subjects and notes you can get started on:

  1. Product: Product Development Frameworks, Produce a Lot of Shitty Work
  2. Startups: Local Capital Should Take Its Place, The Vision of Shukran
  3. Philosophy: Gnosticism, Incurable Itch
  4. Personal Stories: In Search of Competence, My Story at IAN so Far - 2023
  5. Software: Living in the Software Age, Why Software is Important, Software Development for All
  6. Innovation: 5-step process of rigorous implementation, Innovation is a Mindset
  7. Digital Gardening: What are the Mathnuscripts, Publishing My Second Brain
  8. Writing: The Appeal of Personal Blogs, The Future of Text
  9. Mindset: Being a Tinkerer, Towards Being a Man
  10. Finance: How Finance Works

How to Use

You can navigate using the links and folders to find more interesting notes and essays on a wide array of subjects. I use Obsidian to make these notes happen and I host them using Obsidian Digital Garden plugin here.

Welcome to the Mathnuscripts!


Kind regards,
Mathenge Waweru.
Offical site.