Calculus metaphor for Manhood

In calculus, we calculate functions by itching slowly through a range in decimal points. Instead of placing 0 into an function, we start with 0.1 then 0.01 then 0.001 and so on. By doing so, we begin to reveal an approximate value that the function would produce if it could have 0 as an input, since some functions don't work when you place 0 as an input

For example, consider the function f(x) = x^2 / x. If we try to evaluate this function at x=0, we get an undefined result, because we would be dividing by zero. However, if we approach zero using decimal points, we can see that f(0.1) = 0.1, f(0.01) = 0.01, and so on. In fact, as we approach zero, the function values get arbitrarily close to zero, suggesting that the limit of the function as x approaches zero exists and equals zero.

Similarly, in manhood, one could argue that approaching an ideal of manhood is a journey of constant self-improvement and growth, where the ideal is like zero, and the decimal points represent incremental steps towards that ideal. Just as a function can approach zero from different directions and have different behaviors, there are also many different paths and approaches to achieving manhood, and the ideal of manhood itself can be defined in different ways by different people and cultures. Therefore, the journey towards manhood can involve exploring different approaches and finding what works best for oneself, just as in calculus, we may need to try different ways of approaching zero to understand a function's behavior fully.