
Shukran is a digital tipping application that is looking to encourage a tipping culture and put more money into the hands of deserving and hard-working service workers.

Our value is to make tipping easier, cheaper, more fun and faster than other methods of tipping.

We are focusing on the restaurant industry but our total addressable market is the service industry, both formal and informal. The formal market is people who work in the hospitality industry. Their numbers comes at about 1.1 million. The informal market is anyone else who offers a service like guards, potters and so on. This could be way bigger.

The good thing about Shukran is that we are moving money from the top of the economy to the bottom of it. The people with disposable income can choose to reward the people without. They can make a choice based on the great work that the service worker has put in.

This money can then be used to help the service worker to grow. They can receive the money but they are also need to make it work for them. Otherwise, what's the point.

  1. Receive your tips
  2. Save your tips
  3. Grow your tips
  4. Better your life with your tips

Shukran's Fundamental Stack is allowing tippers to cashlessly, seamlessly and privately tip service workers for great service. But cracking this code, all things will fall into place.