Where Do Kenyans Hangout and Socialise

I once had a conversation with my dad about our culture as Kenyans, especially on our relationship with alcohol and clubbing. In our latest installment of culture, we talk about going for 'form'. This is a term used when you want to meet up with friends and socialise of a bottle of gin, a beer or any kind of stimulant that lifts your boat. Kenyans love to drink and I am one of them. I don't do it much but when I do, I have a great time.

This conversation led us to the realisation that we have many opportunities to socialise in other avenues but clubbing and drinking are the dominant ones in our Kenyan narrative. Here are some things we came up with to socialise and also some ideas I have on how Kenyans can socialise in other ways, aside from clubbing.

  1. Travelling - can be across the country or outside the country
  2. Exercise - going to the gym, cycling, running, walking and hiking
  3. In-person conferences and conventions - these can be based on a topic like entreprenuership or current issues and trends like blockchain or the governance debates
  4. Competitions - hackathons for coders, pitch competitions for entreprenuers, game-nights for gamers (both video games and the others), quiz-nights, talent shows
  5. Sports competitions - have divided this from the above since this one has an element of physical activity plus competition.
  6. Classes and seminars - dance classes, cooking, coding, singing
  7. Religious gatherings - church fellowships
  8. Political participation - townhalls, debates
  9. Digital platforms like Tinder and Bumble. There can also be more innovation here with group dates, random matching and theme-bases events
  10. Cultural and Arts presentations - basically National Theatre and Bomas of Kenya stuff but more modern and relatable for the times