I have been challenged by Paulina to take my place as the leader of Shukran. Indeed, a part of me agrees with her. I did not come all this way to be a product lead forever. I did not toil to make Shukran what it is so that others can come and take over. I reject this notion. I want to become the leader of this company and see it through to it's highest heights. I want to see myself on the New York Stock exchange and declare that Shukran has gone public. The first company from Kenya to do so in the US. I want to see the confete as it blasts into the air and the crowd is cheering on this African company that has made moves all across Africa. They will all talk of the amazing work we have done and all the achievements we have under our belt. They will be amazing and agape indeed.

In my soul, I know that this is the path for me. I am just afraid of it. I have conditioned myself to believe that I am too young to be a CEO and play with the big boys out here. I have made myself believe that I cannot be at the top of the hierarchy and lead a company. I have conditioned myself that age and experience is what I need to be at that position. I am scared that I will be out of my depth, that I will promote myself to incompetence.

However, I know that taking this path to become CEO is the best decision that I can ever make. The perks of a CEO are many and the responsibilities are endless. In light of this, I believe that any young person would be scared to take such a leap. There are some who are incredibly ambitious and want to take the helm of everything. They want to be CEO. My heart doesn't want to be CEO but I know, deep in my bones that I must become it. It is not about the perks, challenges or responsibilities. I want to do it for the person it will make me become. The reinvention, reforging and redefining will make me a better person than I ever thought I could ever be. I want to see and feel that change. I want to change and I want this process to do that. Being CEO scares me shitless. I can feel the burn in my bones as I write these words down. I am transcending myself as I say these things.

Lord, my God. Help me to do these things. I want to be better. I want to be greater. I want to be cooler than I ever thought possible. Help me, guide me and lead me to a place of oneness. May the challenges that come my way make me stronger, smarter, wiser, leaner and fitter. May your Word bring me closer to you and guide me on this path of transformation. When I lay in my bed one day and look at the journey I have taken, I want to remember what you did for me. I want to remember everything from the trials to the successes. From the highs to the lows, from the euphoria to great depression. May all these things be a testament to your greatness. For you too a young lad like me and forged him with the fires of the world to create a diamond that shines brighter than the stars of the sky. May your name be praised in those moments. I would like to make a promise. That I will always pray to you every day for guidance on this path of mine. This is the path that I have chosen. Free me from the biggest obstacle of all, myself. Make me the man that I was meant to be. I will give myself to your Word. Amen.