Kierkegaard on the Present (Passionless) Age

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When a society looks to safety and conformity, it is considered a reflective society. A reflective society is usually not passionate. It focuses on processes, traditions and safety. A reflective age speaks of what it could or should do instead of doing it.

A passionate age is all about triumph, effort and willingness to do something, even if the odds are against you. In fact, it is even seen as noble to fail in worthy attempts. This is in contrast to the reflective age, which shuns failure.

A passion is often times mutilated by too much reason and overthinking. Instead of doing what you want, you analyse all possibility and drain yourself of the passion to do it. The reflective assumes that all thinks can be solved by thinking them through. This is not true and just leads to frustrating and unfulfilled desires and wants.

To have passion, you have to follow what you want and realise that you will figure it out on the way. Things work out the more you work on them, they don't work out by just thinking about them. Life isn't meant to be perfect but what you want will come as long as you move towards them. Train your passion by moving towards what makes sense to you.